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[01] Arnab, S (2020), Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces, NY and Oxon: Routledge. [02] Almeida, F & Simoes, J (2019), The Role of Serious Games, Gamification and Industry 4.0 Tools in the Education 4.0 Paradigm, Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(2). [03] Ferguson, R et al….

GBL in Practice: GBT_Project

The Games in Basic Skills Teaching (GBT) project is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to explore the use of analogue and digital games in basic skills teaching. The project introduces games into the teaching of this specific target group, as games transform the classrooms…

VUC Storstrøm

by Maria Storm-Holm A Hybrid and Gamified School At VUC, we try to incorporate game-based learning and teaching as a natural part of learning designs and teaching. To motivate and inspire the students attending school and to help them succeed with their education we bring…


One of the main outputs of the GATE:VET project is our GATE:VET app, which is available on iOS, Android as well as a web version through WebGL. The web version of the mobile app offers users the option to work on a larger screen, for…

Narration Design in Educational Games

by Theresia Zimmermann To what extent may (interactive) storytelling contribute to an immersive learning experience? Narratives provide an opportunity to convey intended messages. To ensure that the author‘s message is understood by all players, a linear narrative structure may be the best option. Interactive or…

Gamification’s Dark Side Horizon

by Matthias Heinz Surprisingly, game elements most associated with negative effects in education are also the ones that are used the most: Leaderboards, Badges and Points. Game elements which are intended to motivatecan demotivate. Using game elements can be associated with a variety of risks…

Author Biographies

Sylvester Arnab | Coventry UniversityHybridity, Playfulness, and Game-Based Pedagogy United Kingdom | Leamington Spa My main interest has always been in experience design. Play and gameplay provide insights into how engaging and meaningful experiences can be designed. Game-based learning in particular opens up opportunity for…

GATE:VET Project Partners

The Academy for Vocational Training (AFBB) operates several vocational schools in Dresden, Berlin and Cologne (Germany). The various training courses are characterised by high quality as well as practical relevance and lead to recognised qualifi cations. AFBB has extensive experience in the implementation of EU-funded…